Monday, May 25, 2009

The World Environment Day

T2 W10 Journal Writing : Reflections of SA1 Performance

Hi Everyone,
I think the SA1 papers have tested me fairly, but only a litter bit.
The English and the Science. But the Maths, I think that it consider to be unfair test, because it is so hard to do!!!
It is because that it is just nice for P6 only.
No. But I have try my best to do it. The English have failed than than the last time 3 marks like that, My maths have add 12 marks = But I still not happy in my exam. My Science have add like 20 marks like that.
I think a litter yes. It is because the teacher must tell 100% clear.
I think a litter bit improved. My paper have raise a litter higher.
I would everyday revision my paper, which my tuition teacher tell me how to do.
They should take the time like 1.30 p.m to 2.30 p.m to let us have a book that do maths or other subject to do, but quietly do.



Monday, May 18, 2009

Hi Everyone,
I think that everyone know what is a Influenza A H1N1, is it a flu that cause people to die??? (I think so)!!!
The people have Influenza A H1N1 and they spread to the unsick people.
In Asia, Mexico is the one of them have Influenza A H1N1.
They could try to prevent the spread of this disease from :
  1. When they sneeze or cough, they could do is to use a handkerchief to cover their mouth while they sneeze or cough.
  2. They could take temperature.

And many more!!!......

No.It is because the temperature taking is good, then the people know that he/she is sick!!!
Nothing??? (I think so)
I going to do whatever I can to prevent the spread of Influenza A H1N1 disease



Saturday, May 2, 2009

T2W7 Journal Writing : Classroom Cleanliness

Hi Everyone,
Do you think our classroom is clean, I may think that it is quite clean, but only the windows and the corner of the classroom is very rusty and dirty.
I think that it is important to keep the classroom clean, because so that we, Singaporean won't have swine flu.
I keep the classroom clean by example :
  1. I will not any how throw the rubbish on the floor.
  2. I will clean the classroom by using the bloom to sweep the floor.
  3. I will tell my friends not to any how throw the rubbish on he floor.
And many more..............
Actually, I do not participate in classroom cleaning activity, but I would do it when there is no teacher around.
Do everyone learnt that, we have know that the swine flu is a dangerous flu, and we must not have this flu and I will keep myself clean from onwards when I receive about the swine flu.
The school values I learnt from the classroom cleaning activity is, Passion for Learning and Self discipline, I think so............

